Don’t hold your breath

Real talk here. We’ve all done it. We have all waited, somewhat patiently, for the karma train to roll in and hit someone. We place a deserving or undeserving target onto someone else’s back and hope that the balance of the world finally catches up to that person. To say that you haven’t ever done this would be a lie, because none of us are saints and we have all been wronged by someone. Relationship karma is probably the most common when it comes to people wanting to see it through. He broke your heart, he cheated on you, she hooked up with the football team while you were dating. You want redemption for your tears, heartache and embarrassment. You […]

#Adulting #Parenting

A while back a friend of mine, who just got married at 30 but did not have children, asked me a series of interesting questions about fatherhood. She just shot them at me in rapid fire fashion and I answered them as best and as honest as I could. “Do you ever regret having kids”? It’s an honest and fair question from someone who has never had children. There is a curiosity, with people who don’t have kids, as to how much you are potentially missing out on in life when you choose to spend your weekends at jump castle birthday parties or t-ball games and not vacationing with friends or going to parties with other non-children having couples. It’s […]

Why I can’t have nice things!

Every year, for my birthday, my father in law sends me cash in a card. This is what grandparents do for grandkids and this is what my father in law does for me. I guess I prefer he send me money opposed to some odd gift or cologne that I would never wear. He usually waits till Christmas to send those things.   This year, he sent me $100. Where $20 would have been fine and often my gift in the past, he stepped up this year and gifted large! Such a generous gift from the grandfather of my children and a man that I have grown to love and become good friends with over the 18 years we have […]

Self-help for Dummies

Whenever I feel like I need a shot in that arm, albeit a need for a boost of confidence, knowledge, or just a reminder or refresher on something I’m struggling with, I buy a book.     Most of the books I read are based in betterment. “How to be a better…” (Fill in the blank) kind of stuff. I don’t always read the book all the way through and many of the books I just pull out whatever I need at the moment from the guidance provided in the pages and apply it to the situation.  I do also enjoy cookbooks because they provide guidance and ingredients.  I don’t love novels or books that don’t provide my brain knowledge. […]

Why nobody calls you Pee Pee Pants anymore.

The world has a short term memory.   If you have ever been in a situation where you just can’t shuck a perception or you are guilty of doing something memorable, for all the wrong reasons, and you just can’t change their opinion of you? Just wait. The world has a short term memory and an incredible case of ADD. No matter how hard we try in life to do the right thing, be the best person and try not to screw up-it happens. Like a bad nickname that attaches itself to you in college or the time you accidentally farted in a room full of people, louder than you thought it was going to come out, you get attached […]

Keep them off the pole

They say you have one job as a father of a girl and that is to keep her off the pole, but there are a lot more important things in life than just that… My daughter Erin just received an award from her school for her outstanding character. The recipients of this award are chosen by the other kids in the class and there are only a handful of children in the school that receive this acknowledgment each year. In the elementary world, this is a big deal. Her classmates stood up in front of a large room, filled with the whole 3rd grade, parents and faculty, and presented my 9 year old superstar with this award. As I listened […]

Why I am a terrible Catholic.

  I gave up dairy for lent this year. Every year, for the duration of lent, I give up something. Most of my deductions are food related and in years past I have given up excessive calories (anything over 2000), sugar, carbs, grains (beer was the target there) and fried food. One year I gave up swearing, but that lasted about 4 hours. I’m not a good Catholic at all, but I figure that doing this might make up for the fact that I only go to church on average a few times a year. I used to be good when I was a kid. I was an altar boy for about 10 years at Good Shepard Catholic Church. I […]

My parents were right.

  It happens at some point in your life when you have to come to the realization that the things your parents put you through didn’t kill you. What was embarrassing or disastrous to you at a young age, would come back to teach you a lesson at some point later in life; even if the initial intention wasn’t to teach you a life lesson. You have to go through some form of struggle early in life if you are going to have any realistic perspective as you grow older. All the times my parents told me to “toughen up” as a kid has paid dividends in my adult life and has provided me a more realistic perspective as an […]


Unless I am sick as a dog, I haven’t slept past 7am on any day of the week, since maybe college? The internal alarm clock in my body goes off and the light switch in my head turns on and there is no going back. I’m awake. No matter how tired I may be from the day before or how bad I probably could use the extra sleep, there is no stopping my body from powering up. I’m honestly pretty robotic. It’s Saturday and I’m awake at 6:15am. I usually wake up at 5:30am. I slept in? I pop and crackle as I stretch out the kinks in my body from the strange sleep positions I contorted into while being […]

Burn Baby Burn!!

Throughout my entire childhood my dad preached to be less like him and more of my own person. To work smarter and use my brain more than my body. To not follow in his occupational footsteps. Sound familiar? Most people want their kids or the next generation to do something different and perhaps easier than what they have had to endure. They (should) want more for the next group and perceive their job or life as harder than and perhaps not as rewarding as what lies ahead for the next generation. My dad has probably said he hates his job more times than days I’ve been alive. He fights with his work and battles it with his mind and body. […]