Nicknames vs. Mentors

You need to pick your mentor. You can’t pick your nickname.  You can’t pick your nickname!  Nicknames are things that are given to you by your peers and family. You can’t wake up one morning and start calling yourself by a much catchier and cooler name. If we could nickname ourselves, the we’d all walk around with awesome names like “Goose” or “Maverick” or “chick magnet”.  More often than not, nicknames are derogatory and don’t always showcase our finer features and attributes.  They can often be ironic.  “Slim” for a fat person. “Tiny” for a super tall guy.   Nicknames get attached to you and sometimes you have to age out of them in order to get rid yourself of […]

Doing what we can to not raise a jerk…

C.S. Lewis: Integrity is doing the right thing even when no one is watching.

Peanut Butter and a Gin Martini

We all take our lumps in life. The world has a funny way of balancing out wins and losses and I truly believe that nobody ever goes on an uninterrupted winning streak.  Things come crashing down, the other shoe eventually drops and we are all humbled at some point in our lives.  Lord knows, I have taken my share of losses. I do often feel that I get an unfair share of punches to my gut, but quickly come to my senses and remember that there are people out there getting punched even harder. Although our wins and losses might not be perfectly balanced, we all get to experience both at some point.  I have taken some pretty large losses […]

Dancing with Idiots

#Tryharder to not dance with idiots. Remember, people look dumber when they are dancing by themselves.

Hang in there kitten!

Maybe it’s just me?   My life has been a series of giving in order to get. I cannot seem to move forward or get ahead, unless I leave something behind. These offerings need to have meaningful, or at least perceived to be, at the time. I tried to look up the meaning of this, like the scientific name or buzzword, but all I got was a bunch of inspirational quotes that could be used for a poster that hangs on the wall of your 2nd grade class. A quote that would be accompanied with a picture of a kitten dangling from a tree hoping to not fall. You know the poster I am talking about…#hanginthere Could be my catholic upbringing […]

Are you the engine, the boxcar or the caboose?

A few weeks ago a friend of mine called and asked for a pep talk. He just wanted to get everything off his chest and complain about how things were going at work. Sometimes these life talks happen over a beer, but when you’re long distance, a phone call works just as good.   In his opinion, the new boss was making poor choices and he didn’t agree with the direction the group was going. “If they would just listen to me” was the phrase he repeated multiple times during his “selling” of the situation.  He was stating his case to the new boss and his co-workers, but didn’t feel he was being heard or taken serious.   I pride […]

Missed Connections (Knock Knock)

When someone hands you an opportunity to get one step closer to your lifelong dreams, why would you not grab it by both hands and do everything you can to never let go? It’s a question we often ask others, but don’t do a good job of answering it ourselves. About once a month my wife Christal drags me and the kids to a mall. Since we have only been in Houston a little over a year, there are still a ton of shopping areas we have not checked out. I actually enjoy seeing these malls and shopping centers, but I never really buy anything for myself. My goal is to keep a list of places that I would go […]

Where the hell am I?

I have zero sense of direction.   Pretty funny for the guy who’s become somewhat famous for posting bad parking jobs.   No really, if someone told me to “get lost” I probably would and do so rather quickly. North, south, east, west…none of that stuff matters to me because I don’t know what direction I need to go from my current location. I’m over the age of 40 and I don’t think I’m suddenly going to wake up one day and figure it all out. Even if I did, my driving instincts would take me in the wrong direction.   In my previous vehicle, I got lost so often that there was a dent above the driver’s side roof from […]

You Have Zombie Brain

Life can become mundane. Even performing at a high level, you can still fall into a rut or routine. Let’s be honest, we “execute” life more often than we live it. We go through the motions. Not always numb to the world, but falling prey to the groove of comfort and execution.   It’s not that we don’t try, it’s just that we get comfortable and fight to stay in that level of comfort. Predictable comes without drama and stress. If we stay physically and emotionally “stuck”, then we get to make it through another day without having to deal with the shift and distraction. We say we embrace change, but we don’t.  We like everything to make sense, have […]

Stepping Stones

“You don’t have to have it all figured out.  The decisions you make today do not need to control the rest of your life or even the rest of your career. Nothing is absolute and hardly ever final.  What you do now is merely a stepping stone to whatever is NEXT”.   These are the words that were used when I spoke to a friend of mine this past week. I quickly typed them into the notes app on my iPhone because I thought that they might have some value to others that read them. I write everything down in my phone. This is not an endorsement for Apple, but I did write my last book #Tryharder and the new […]