The Unsinkable You

By Chase Murphy on February 21, 2022

Stop piling on.  It doesn’t help and you’re just adding weight to a situation for the sake of self-pity. 

You can’t keep score on all the bad things that have happened to you in life.  Here’s what happens-the world deals us an unfortunate and unfair hand and instead of moving forward, we decide to take all the sad garbage we’ve experienced and throw it into the present dumpster of our situation.   

Instead of dealing with the one current challenge, you stack the odds against you by piling on with the laundry list of injustice that has ever occurred in your life.  From your childhood to today, all your scars are tossed like logs into the fire of your burning confidence and self-worth.   

You then throw in a couple “what ifs” on top of the situation just to ensure that you have firmly stacked the deck against yourself.  Why?  It's because feeling sorry for ourselves is comfortable and familiar.  We expect bad things to occur and we take some form of comfort in the negative and feel at ease knowing the wind has been removed from our sails as the hole continues to fill the boat. 

“I was right!  The world hates me!  Let me remember EVERY bad thing that has ever happened! FML”. 

Cut it out.  You know you do it and you know what you are doing.  There’s not one health benefit in sweeping your own legs out from under you.  Self-sabotage is overrated. Do better.

Take your punch.  Move forward.  You successfully defeated and survived all of those previous events and they don’t deserve the right to fight you again.  You are the undisputed heavyweight champion of bad days and experiences. Deal with the NOW and stop keeping score.  You are going to win in the long run.  Believe it.       



Radio host, consultant, and Author, Chase Patrick Murphy is the creator of the #Tryharder philosophy. A way of thinking that encourages readers to stop, take a moment, and do the right thing. To try a little harder in life, do right by others, and make the additional effort to improve your situation and theirs.

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