Don't be an idiot!

By Chase Murphy on July 25, 2012
Long ago I stopped arguing with idiots.
Seriously, it’s not good for your health.  The stress of continuing a conversation with someone, who you will never convince they are wrong, could send you to an early grave- or make you pull your hair out.  I’m flexible, open minded and don’t always have to be right.  As a matter of fact, for the sake of the impending argument, I often want to be wrong. 
I have friends who like to exchange with idiots.  Almost like they have this strange need to make sure that they (the idiots) know that they are wrong.  Why?  Why would you waste energy on these people?  Perhaps this comes from a place where they need the drama or even insecurity?  I don’t know the answer.
Like Don Quixote and windmills- you’re fighting a no win battle.
I have a teaching spirit and one of the reasons I have a blog stems from my need to share knowledge and ideas.  Some people are just idiots and no matter how much “reason” you feel the need to pump into them-they just refuse to budge from their place of ignorance.
Don’t argue with them.  Arguing with an idiot only makes you an idiot.  It takes two to tango right?  The next time you feel you’re on the verge of an exchange with an idiot, ask yourself “is this really worth the time and energy”? 
There is just one thing to keep in mind in all this….make sure you’re not the idiot.


Radio host, consultant, and Author, Chase Patrick Murphy is the creator of the #Tryharder philosophy. A way of thinking that encourages readers to stop, take a moment, and do the right thing. To try a little harder in life, do right by others, and make the additional effort to improve your situation and theirs.

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