Back in my day…that’s crap.

This is part of an article I wrote a few years ago for FMQB.  I recently read something on facebook that made me think of this paragraph: We can’t continue to look at building radio “stars” the same way we once did. Traditionally, you interned, got a part time job in promotions or on the weekends, and then just waited for your big break. With budgets being scaled back and the traditional opportunities lessened, we as managers need to create and apply energy towards new ideas and outlets for the next generation.  Create viral stars, intern bloggers, characters on shows, role players, etc.  If you find an intern or a promotions person who has that special something, but they aren’t ready to […]

Who the hell are you?

The expression “do me” means something different than when I was a kid.  Nowadays rappers use those words to express their need to keep it real and be themselves.  When I was a kid, it was a line from a Bel Biv Devoe song. (nobody wears a Swatch watch anymore by the way) Often I am solicited for career advice from people who are looking for an angle that might help them impress a perspective employer. “How should I act” or “What kind of demo should I put together” are questions I am often asked.  My advice is always-DO YOU!  You ever go to the soda fountain, fill your cup underneath the coke icon, take a drink and suddenly your […]

SH#T people say! (play on playa’)

Things people have said to me over the years… People remember movie quotes, something influential that they read from some passage of a book or a random tweet from some motivational speaker; resurrecting something that Mark Twain or Zig Ziglar once said.  Great quotes stick.  Sometimes it’s not the words, but the inflection of those words that make or break the quote.  I live in San Antonio and Spurs fever has taken over the town!  I have to admit, I don’t usually watch basketball, but to be at the center of the hub of all this energy is pretty exciting.  Coach Pop (The Spurs coach) told his team to “Get Nasty” during game one against OKC.  Since then, the word […]

Tell your story!

Chances are your employer probably only knows half of what you do for them.  It’s not a knock on your boss.  Often times you are holding a position that they have never held or haven’t done in quite some time.  Things change, as does the evolution of your position.  When it comes time to start asking for more money, contract negotiation or a one on one where you want to show the company your worth-make sure you do a great job of telling your story. There is a fine line between bragging and telling your story.  It’s honestly hard to talk about yourself or your accomplishments without sounding egotistical right?  Yet, in order to get what you want (raise, promotion, […]

Disney…not always the happiest place on earth.

Whenever I go to theme parks or places where there is a large audience of people, my patience is tested as I weave in and out of traffic trying to get to my destination or get my wife and kids to an area where there are fewer people to bump into.  I’m not anti social (my job requires me to be a people person).  I don’t have a phobia of large crowds.  I just get disappointed by the lack of “drive” in people.  I understand you’re on vacation, but that doesn’t mean that you should disconnect so much from reality that you become oblivious to your surroundings and ruin the experience for others.  You can certainly take your time and […]

Pull the trigger!!!

Living in fear of losing what you have is a terrible way to spend your career.  This happens to people that become comfortable or just want to squeeze a few more years out of their vocation before “the next guy” comes along and takes their place. Why would you want to spend the next few years spiraling backwards just to keep collecting a check?  Yet, every day we see people do it.  It’s like a deer in the woods that squints and stands still when the hunter squeezes off his shot-instead of running.    “Hanging on” is what speed bumps do.  Instead, you need to be a Viking; a trailblazer.  Dictating culture, owning your future and navigating your journey is […]

In short, here is my management philosophy (in less than 160 words).

When it comes to talent-Education needs to be both shared and sought. I am always trying to better myself through education.  Reading books, blogs, talking with other creative/smart people, etc.  I expect and encourage that same behavior from other members of the team.  We need to always work to set goals, share those goals and adapt to the changes around us.  I hold others accountable and work to improve their “game” as well as mine.  It is important to regularly meet with staff so that silos are not created in regards to goals and agenda.  As a coach, I feel it is critical that I am spending time to mentor staff members as well as people outside of the building.   […]

How to be a man! (Robert Frost is for losers)

Rudyard Kipling is probably my favorite writer of all time.  Kipling has written The Jungle Book,  Ticky Ticky Tavi and Gunga Din just to name a few.  There are several takeaways from this piece that can be applied to most management challenges.  I often reflect upon “IF” when I am having moments where I might be getting too full of myself or losing focus of the goals of the situation.  Since 2000 I have had a printed out copy of this poem sitting next to my desk.  IF If you can keep your head when all about you Are losing theirs and blaming it on you; If you can trust yourself when all men doubt you, But make allowance for their doubting […]

YOU DO NOT KNOW EVERYTHING!!! (and that’s ok)

There’s is a famous quip:  “A lot of people in business say they have twenty years’ experience, when in fact all they really have is one year’s experience, repeated twenty times”.  Something to consider when you or someone you work with speaks of their “vast experience”.  Don’t be that person.  If you are going to speak of your “experience”… make sure you ARE NOT talking about how ignorant you’ve been for the past 20 years, but rather speak to your ability to be open minded, innovative, compelling and forward thinking.  There’s a reason why the dinosaurs are dead. Also, if you are on the young end of experience, accept that you don’t know everything.  Listen to the dinosaurs, be open minded and learn from what they have […]

Life Lessons from the NFL Draft (how not to suck at life)

I don’t know if you follow the NFL Draft, but I thought this was an interesting takeaway from RG3’s post draft pick interview.  He was wearing a pair of socks that said “catch your dreams”, when asked why, he said this: “Go catch that dream — because a lot of times when you chase something you never get to it,” he said. “So if you say, ‘Hey, I’m going to go catch my dream,’ you’re already telling yourself that you’re going to get it.” Simple- but very true.  Visualization is an important thing.  Goals are only real when you write them down and commit to them (getting them stitched into a sock is like writing them down I guess).  Giving […]